Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Mama, Dear Pappa

Thank you so much for carrying me all those years
Inside and on your hip
Thank you so much for feeding me
Inside and on your hip
Thank you so much for keeping me warm and safe
Inside and on your hip

I'm older now and you probably couldn't carry me for very long, if at all, anymore
You no longer feed me, or keep me warm and safe
But you supplied me with the tools and knowledge to do it all for myself
So I thank you

That said... Any woman that is not in a position to do this for her child shouldn't be having sex, Period. Married or not, if you don't have the means or the desire to love, nurture, and teach the product of what you make when you make love, you should abstain from sex. I'm no virgin, I know how amazing it feels to be held by the one you love and how eager you are to solidify that bond through physical intimacy. But those are selfish feelings. You may be able to fool the entire world but you cannot fool yourself, and as a part of you a child knows deep down whether or not he or she is appreciated by you. Abortion is a heinous act, but the choice should not be predetermined for a woman. We could avoid the whole conversation if more women were responsible with their bodies. We don't really understand ourselves, overall. We think we know what's going on in our hearts and minds, but we have no clue what we really want. Live life the best way you know how.
And men... You have to accept the fact that power has landed on your little, deformed chromosome that differentiates you from your counterpart. Whether it's biological or cultural is for no creature to say, but the fact remains, men have power over other men, but especially over women. It is your responsibility to embrace your inheritance as a human. If you want to live like an animal by all means, go run off into the forest  an embrace your ape-ish nature. But if you live in a social setting with other people it is your responsibility not to abuse the power given to you. Oh, you don't want that power? Tough shit, shoulda thought about that before you popped out a boy. It is what it is, but it doesn't have to be. Uplift and empower the women in your life instead of feeding on their insecurities for your own selfish desires, and to mask the weakness you feel in your stomach.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Entry

This is my first attempt at blogging, shouldn't be difficult right?  What to write about though... Things that matter? trivial nuances? I guess it's up to me.

  My goal is to get people thinking about growth, and also thinking about the past. We all came from somewhere and all too often it is forgotten or hidden. There are things in this world which should not exist, and there are things in this world which do not receive enough appreciation. Life is one of the latter, many people take life for granted. We forget that we humans exist in a chemical bath on a tiny rock surrounded by an environment that, for the most part, does not support life.  Life is a treasure, and the earth is the crown jewel.  Where would we be without either? Well firstly we wouldn't have the consciousness or self awareness to even contemplate the notion of asking a question in general, let alone one as abstract as that.  Life may exist outside of earth, and there may exist a planet such as earth that doesn't support life due to one key missing element that led to life being here in the first place.  Questions like these are only good to invoke conversation and expand your worldview.  They rarely directly effect society in any constructive manner, but it's cool to know that somebody else thinks about such things.

  It seems to me that more appropriate questions to ask are: How do we balance the economic equation? How do we merge consumerism and communism?   How do we make sustainable energy sources affordable and widespread?  How do we settle theological disputes?  How do we remove ownership of land without removing the people?  How do we bring a sense of morality to capitalism?  How do we give science ethics that aren't monetarily motivated? THINK my friends, don't just accept how things appear. There is always room for improvement.